Real PALETTE Experiences


Movement Arts

Visual Arts

Participants share their experiences:

“What is so beautiful about [PALETTE] is that it may have been geared towards gerontology but it applies in all areas of life. I plan to take the class again…or go on to more classes in this field. I found that I really enjoyed learning the curriculum and felt at ease with adults older than I am. PALETTE shows you how to look at our PALs as people, compared to ‘old people.’” – Georgia, undergraduate student

PALs_Dorothy_Sara“There was so much to learn, and only part of the lessons were about art. Most of the adventure circled around the balance of creativity and relationship…The best lesson of all was discovering that even though we are old, we aren’t dead. My life is a palette, whereon the colors are the truths I choose, while turning days lived into art an joy.” – Dorothy, older adult participant

PALs_Barbara_Emma“It’s refreshing to bridge the intergenerational gap AND learn a new skill at the same time. As a pharmacy student, it’s also nice to get to know older adults for who they are instead of what medications they’re taking — it humanizes both of us.” – Emma, graduate student in pharmacy

“The program meant so much to me. At 81, I can honestly say that it’s the highlight of my senior life.” – Barbara, older adult participant

Our partners have nice things to say about us too!

Weinstein_jcc“It was so rewarding to be a part of this pilot program with my Seniors at the Weinstein JCC in Richmond, VA. These older adults had so much fun with these young adults and the VCU students learned that being older doesn’t mean that life is over…but that learning goes on for your whole life! I try to combat “ageism” every day and programs like this show young people what life is all about!! We look forward to doing this program again next year!” – Shari, Adult Programming Coordinator at the Weinstein JCC